Why should you choose us?
Selina is a world renowned tattoo artist with over 100 awards in tattooing for the last 20+ years. Beyond Selina being an extremely dedicated tattoo artist
But WHY choose Bless Your Heart Tattoo?
Because Selina trains all of the staff on the latest technology, utilizes a education program to see staff be the best at offering quality tattoos that will last a lifetime. Each product is carefully screened to offer the best quality for our clients, and the safest inks, skin products and best aftercare products.
Why should you care about the latest technology?
In the last 5 years wireless tattoo machines have been invented and offer a much more comfortable process of getting tattooed. This cutting edge technology was tested over years of development from leading manufacturers aroudn the world to make cutting edge technology in tattoo machines that make everyone more comfortable.
Why does education matter in tattooing?
Just like top hair stylists, and master chefs new styles emerge in the art of tattooing we just make education a part of our daily work. Selina updates cirriculum for staff training weekly. We commit ourselves to the craft of tattooing and through consistent invovlement in the community we make sure our artists are at the top of their professional game.
Why does safe product REALLY matter?
Product safety is essnetial in tattooing, and Selina screens every single product by communicating with the manufacturers of each products to make sure you are only given the best. From inks to aftercare there is so much room for error in products around tattooing. Selina does not permit products to be used in the studio unless they have passed safety assessment. This includes but is not limited to: heavy metals testing, microbioloical testing, analytical testing, and have proper labeling to be easily identified. Depending on the product SDS sheets are on site to discuss ingredients as needed.